Bollywood actress Vidya Balan recently found herself at the center of a social media storm after posting in support of Indian cricket captain Rohit Sharma. The post came amid mounting criticism of Sharma’s recent performances, especially following India’s defeat to Australia and his subsequent drop from the playing XI in the Sydney Test. While Vidya Balan’s intent was to show support, the actress faced severe backlash from netizens.
Rohit Sharma’s Struggles and Criticism
Rohit Sharma, who has been a key figure in Indian cricket, has been struggling with form in recent matches, including the series against Australia. His performance led to former cricketers and critics calling for his exclusion from the squad. During the Sydney Test, Sharma was notably dropped, with Shubman Gill taking his place. Furthermore, rumors circulated that Sharma might retire from Test cricket due to his current form.
However, Rohit Sharma denied these rumors during a break at lunch on the second day of the Sydney Test. He made it clear that the media and online commentators, who are often not well-versed in the game, should not dictate his career decisions. He confidently remarked, “We have been part of this game for a long time, and we have our minds to make our own decisions.”
Vidya Balan’s Support and Social Media Backlash
In an effort to show support, Vidya Balan took to social media to praise Sharma, writing, “Rohit Sharma is a superstar! It takes courage to take a break and catch your breath. Much admiration for you.” Although Vidya’s message was intended to encourage the cricketer, it did not resonate well with a large number of internet users.
Some social media users claimed that the post was not entirely Vidya’s own words. Allegedly, the content had been copied from a WhatsApp text that Rohit Sharma’s PR team had sent to her. This sparked rumors and led to widespread trolling of the actress. Despite the claims, the post was deleted shortly after it was shared.
Support from Other Celebrities
In contrast to the backlash Vidya Balan faced, several prominent figures came forward in support of Rohit Sharma. Bollywood actor Farhan Akhtar, former cricketer Navjot Singh Sidhu, and ex-Indian cricketer Suresh Raina all praised Sharma’s invaluable contributions to Indian cricket. They lauded his leadership and consistent performance over the years, dismissing the negative comments that had been circulating.
Social Media Reactions to Vidya Balan’s Post
Vidya Balan’s post received mixed reactions, with many users praising her for standing by Sharma during a tough time. Others, however, criticized her for allegedly using a pre-written message. The incident quickly went viral, with netizens sharing their thoughts and sparking debates about celebrities’ involvement in the personal matters of athletes.
Conclusion: Navigating Social Media Support
Vidya Balan’s experience highlights the challenges celebrities face when showing support on social media. While her intentions were likely sincere, the incident demonstrates the speed with which online discussions can escalate, especially when rumors and unverified claims are involved. Despite the controversy, the support for Rohit Sharma from various quarters is clear, and his role in Indian cricket continues to be celebrated.